Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Creating a Delving Deeper Campaign in 5 Easy Steps

Turn the page
Welcome to the first post of my new blog. I was searching for a topic to kick things off when my gaming buddy Ray Otus stepped up with an idea. He told me about Charles A's The Gygax '75 Challenge inspired by an article written by Gary Gygax for EUROPA fanzine.

We kicked the idea around and thought it would be a fun challenge to tackle together, each holding the other accountable for moving through the challenge on a weekly basis. Ray got me hooked on Delving Deeper, the OD&D retro-clone, which led us to deciding DD would be the system our settings would target.

Ray and I will be checking in with each other on at least a weekly basis to compare notes and review progress. I'll be sharing my weekly progress here as well as posting links to any of Ray's postings. I'll be using this post to link to all the discussions on the subject.

I hope you'll join me on this inaugural experiment on setting creation.


Beyond the Gates of Cygnus

Delving Deeper Setting: Step 1 - The Overall Setting
Delving Deeper Setting: Step 2 - The Starting Area
Delving Deeper Setting: Step 3 - The Dungeon
Delving Deeper Setting: Step 4 - The Home Base
Delving Deeper Setting: Step 5 - The World

The Viridian Scroll

The Gygax 75 Challenge
The Gygax 75 Challenge: Week 1
The Gygax 75 Challenge: Week 2
The Gygax 75 Challenge: Week 3

Caress of Steel

Mood Board

Uzerak: Where Gods Walk

Illustration Credits

Wikimedia Commons - Gustave Doré’s illustration from Lord Alfred Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King”, 1868.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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